We've put together some 'Quick-Clip' videos of Great Barrier Islands' main settlement areas. You can get an idea on what the different areas are like by reading the 'area descriptions' and clicking on the corresponding 'Quick-Clip'.
Take a look around...


Tryphena is the most populated area on Great Barrier Island. Situated at the south western end of the island and surrounded by hills and mountains, Tryphena residents and visitors enjoy the sheltered and sunny bays and beaches that make up the harbour. As well as restaurants, cafes and even an Irish Pub, Tryphena also has two small shopping complexes complete with bottle stores, laundrettes and fuel outlets.
The Sealink passenger ferry calls regularly at the Shoal Bay Wharf - Claris Airport is a leisurely 30 minute drive away. 
Take a look around Tryphena - click  on the Quick-Clip...



Medlands is situated at the south eastern end of Great Barrier Island and the beach is definitely one of the most popular, particularly with visitors and holiday makers. Although there are no shops or cafes etc in Medlands, Tryphena and Claris are both with-in 10 minutes drive.
Medlands Beach, a wine glass shaped bay, faces north-east and it’s stretches of white sand can take a pounding from the surf when the Pacific Ocean swells pay a visit.
Click on the player to preview Medlands...



Claris is situated just north of Medlands, on the east coast of the island. With the main airfield, medical centre, Auckland City Service Centre and Police Station, it has become the main  service area of Great Barrier Island.
The Claris Complex is made up of a general store, fuel outlet, post shop, bottle store and cafe.
In close proximity to the beautiful Kaitoke Beach, Okupu and Whangaparapara harbours, and the Kaitoke natural hot springs, Claris is considered by many to be the centre of Great Barrier Island. Take a look around Claris...



Okupu is a well populated area on Great Barrier Islands west coast, between Tryphena and Whangaparapara. The harbour has a wharf and boat  ramp at the end of the Blind Bay Road. Although there are no shops or services in Okupu it is only a 10 minutes drive to Claris. The beautiful beach is safe for children and frequently visited by dolphins.
Check out the ancient Pohutukawa trees and feel free to use the 'free gas' BBQ provided for your enjoyment.
Explore Okupu Beach area here...


The Barriers most popular surfing spot is situated 15 minutes north of Claris on the east coast of Great Barrier Island. This beautiful white sand beach is renowned for its rips and strong undertow so children need supervision and less experienced swimmers need to be wary!
Awana Campground is idyllically situated along the estuary, a 10 minute white sandy walk away.
No shops or services but views, fresh air and freedom in abundance! Check it out...



Whangaparapara is situated on the west coast of Great Barrier Island between Okupu to the south and Port FitzRoy to the north.  It was once the site of the largest sawmill in the southern hemisphere and New Zealand’s very last whaling station closed here in 1964. Now it’s a sleepy little harbour that is very popular with the boating fraternity and pods of dolphins regularly visit. A wharf, a fuel outlet, a campground, Gt Barrier Lodge and a population around 20…That’s Whangaparapara...
Beautiful and timeless. See for yourself...


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