The Milk, Honey and Grain Museum

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Long time Great Barrier Island resident David Watson, has had a varied career including successful stints as school teacher and honey maker supreme. It is obvious though that here he has found his true calling. His passion for Great Barrier Islands incredible history is generously displayed at his quaint and quirky museum, situated on the main road into Claris.
For a donation of one gold coin per person, visitors may view an extensive display of olde Great Barrier photographs and numerous unusual olde artefacts.
Themes include dairying, gum digging, logging, timber milling, mining, bee-keeping, shipwrecks, long drops and whaling. Learn about the pioneer families and their unique brand of Barrier technology and Kiwi ingenuity.
This is a 'hands-on' museum where patrons are encouraged to explore every nook & cranny, turn every handle and fossick through the artefacts.

History pamphlets, souvenirs & gifts are on sale.

Open most days during sunlight hours.... Come along and check it out!

47 Hector Sanderson Road,
Claris - Great Barrier Island
Phone: 09 429 0773


1 Gold Coin Donation - per person

Go Great Barrier Island