Just who do we think we are?

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It's a great question... and we think we've got it figured out!
We could pretend to be a big official tourism entity, with government backing and lots of dedicated staff working tirelessly behind their desks while the board of directors think of new ways to encourage flocks of tourists to our shores.

But thankfully, that's not us...
No we're quite the opposite in fact. You see we're just a little local business and we absolutely love Great Barrier Island. We want to make sure that when you come to visit - you'll head home with nothing but great memories and that sweet subtle feeling of "I've just discovered something very special & awesome." We've had that feeling for over 30 years now...  and it doesn't go away - it just gets stronger. We want to share it with you.

You could think of us as Barrier locals that you know personally.... and so that makes it quite OK for you to call us any time - and know that we'll be able to help you... every time!

Because we're mates, we won't be charging you for any of our information or booking services. Quite the contrary! We'll be offering you discounted travel, accommodation, activities and a genuinely unbiased opinion on what will best suit your requirements and preferences. When you're happy with your choices, we'll put it all together, complete the arrangements and send you all the information, booking numbers and directions that you'll need. You'll receive a comprehensive invoice and we have the flexibility to offer payment options to suit your preferences.



Go Great Barrier Island